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Agricultural metaphors permeate Scripture. In Genesis, we learn of Abel tending flocks and Cain working the fields. In the Psalms we read of God’s creation—plants, animals, and the variety of life. Jesus told parables of sowing and harvesting. Today, the church still uses such metaphors—planting the seed of the Gospel in the hearts of others. Charles Spurgeon, keenly aware of the prominence of...

See here: if Christ’s preaching had been the essential point, or if his example had been the vital point, he could have brought forth fruit and multiplied Christians by his preaching, and by his example. But he declares that, except he shall die, he shall not bring forth fruit. Am I told that this was because his death would be the completion of his example, and the seal of his preaching? I admit that it was so, but I can conceive that if our Lord had rather continued to live on,—if he had been here
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